May 26, 2009

Memorial Weekend

We had a great weekend! Joe is done with school for the summer - YEAH! Jensen seems to change everday! He is smiling, talking, cooing and babbling more....It's so much fun:)

We had a cookout with the Dastou's. Jensen & Hartley, just 4 weeks apart!

Jensen wearing his first Memphis shirt...supporting daddy's alma mater!

Enjoying a little tummy time!

May 18, 2009

Jensen is two months old!

We had another great week...full of smiles, accomplishments, changes and challenges!
We celebrated on Friday...Jensen slept through the night for the first time on Thursday! He slept an amazing 9 hours and actually took a 2 1/2 hour nap over the weekend too! Yeah!

Jensen went to his 2 month dr appointment today. He was such a champ when he got his shots! He weighed in at 13 lbs. 1 oz, in the 75th percentile and measured 24 inches in length, in the 90th percentile. What a big boy... Going to be just like his daddy!
Another month has already gone by and Jensen is two months old! Wow!

Jensen got to meet Uncle Phil, Brooke and their sweet friend Laura on Sunday.

Jensen went to daddy's spring football game on Friday!

Nathan & Whitney's chocolate lab, Maddie came over to play with Bailey!

May 12, 2009

My first Mother's Day!

Motherhood truly is an amazing gift....And I had the BEST first Mother's Day! It was a relaxing and fun day with my boys and I feel blessed to have such a wonderful husband and loving baby boy!