We took our first road trip to J-town with Jensen & Bailey! I'd say the trip was quite successful with a 3 month old baby and a 1 1/2 year old lab! We made frequent stops for diaper changes and to let Bailey run.
We had a wonderful visit at home! We were able to introduce Jensen to the Jamestown crew and had many relaxing afternoons and evenings in Bemus.

Bailey & Jensen took naps together during the 14 hour ride!

Jensen borrowed this SIU outfit from his big cousin Phil, who wore the exact same outfit about 28 years ago! Go Salukis!

Hello Mr. Blue Eyes!

Uncle Josh teaching Jensen, "A little wisdom on the side of the road..."

A cool afternoon at the land

More naps for Bailey & Jensen

To The Lakeview for their WORLD FAMOUS wings! Be sure to get them "blued!"

Bailey loves hanging out on the dock!

Jensen & Mom!