Our monthly photo shoots are becoming a little more challenging....Jensen loves grabbing the paper and crumpling it up!! So here are two different pictures....One I tried to do by myself and resulted in a paper wad and the second one when Joe was here to help me distract Jensen so he wouldn't try and grab at the paper the entire time!
We had Jensen's 6 month dr. visit on October 1st. He weighed in at 19.0lbs (75th percentile) and measured 28 3/4" (97th percentile). Dr. said everything looked great!
I had to take Jensen to the dr again on October 23rd...Turns out he has a double ear infection, poor little guy! He weighed 19.5lbs - so he had gained about a 1/2 pound in 3 weeks! We started him on an antibiotic, he took a few extra naps and he's nearly back to normal! He slept through the night for the first time in a week last night- Yeah!

Attempt #2

Attempt #1