January 29, 2010

Mr. Personality!

He's moving, but just not crawling...Jensen has taken to scooting to move across the room...He's started to get into everything, loves opening and closing doors and drawers and keeps us quite busy!

Jensen is 10 months old

Jensen has reached the double digits....he's now 10 months old! He's learned how to clap his hands and thinks it's the greatest thing! We got a few different 10 month shots...some he's dressed...and some he's not!

Happy as can be!

January 24, 2010

Closer to crawling....

He's getting closer, but still not there yet!

Taking a short break with Bailey!

January 7, 2010

Splish Splash....Jensen loves the bath!

Jensen just keeps enjoying bath time more and more!

January 5, 2010

Jensen's first Chirstmas!

The holidays are always such an exciting and wonderful time....And this year proved to be no different! Over the past two weeks, we traveled over 2300 miles (Monticello, Charlotte and NY), celebrated Joe's 30th birthday and completion of his Masters degree, Jensen's first Christmas, Cara's birthday, Debby's baby shower, New Years and my birthday!

Although Jensen is too young to really understand Christmas, he seemed to enjoy tearing wrapping paper, playing with boxes and watching all the activity around him! We loved all the time we got to spend with our family and truly cherish all the wonderful memories of the holidays! We're looking forward to the start of the new year....It's going to be a great one!

Jensen's new froggie hat from Aunt Kiersten

Jensen loves his Aunt Molly!

Jensen & Bailey were mesmerized by all the snow!

A big smile for all the snow!

Grandma Swanee made Jensen a sweater for Christmas!

Christmas morning

A smile that melts my heart!

Jensen & Bailey were such great travelers....We spent lots of hours in the car!

Aunt Katie gave Jensen a puppet....He loved it:)

The cousins....Josslynn, Kylee Grace and Jensen

Jensen is 9 months old!

Sorry...A few weeks late in posting these pics. The holidays are always such a busy time! Jensen was 9 months on December 17th! He continues to be one healthy little boy! At his 9 month appointment, he weighed in at 21 lbs. 9 oz. (75th percentile) and 30" long (97th percentile). He's enjoying his diet of black beans, bread, cheese, cereal, yogurt, lots of fruits and veggies, pancakes, puffs, and what ever else he can get his hands on! He's still content as can be sitting on his bottom...Every now and then he shows signs of crawling, but overall just doesn't seem that interested in it right now! Always a smile on his cute little face:)