Thanksgiving 2010

Once again, I've been bad about getting some recent pictures on the blog. It seems as though the last month has flown by because we've been so busy! Joe's football season went three weeks into the post-season as they made the third round of state playoffs! Go Hawks! They had a great year! We're very proud of them...and selfishly looking forward to having dad around a little more, especially with Keaton's arrival about 4 weeks away.
We had plans to travel to NY by way of Charlotte for Thanksgiving. Those plans changed when Hillgrove continued through the post-season. Instead, J-pa joined us at the Masterson's for a great Thanksgiving meal. And Grandma Swanee (who is turning to "Nana" by Jensen) came down for a visit the day after Thanksgiving and stayed through the weekend.
Jensen turned 20 months on November 17th. He's a busy little thing! He's obsessed with his ABC's and loves talking about them, looking at them, saying them, etc. His favorite letter is O and he looks for O's everywhere! His favorite TV show is Super Why and he often walks downstairs saying, "Why! Why!" He's adjusted to his new room and is enjoying reading his Big Brother book every night before bed. We don't think he understands that mommy's big belly means a baby is coming, but he says "brother" and "sister" and is very intrigued when he sees other babies!

Playing with the shapes

Happy Thanksgiving

Jensen laying with mommy on the couch! Probably watching Why!