Molly came to visit us in Atlanta and the weather sure did cooperate! We had a beautiful weekend and spent much of it outside. We had a rocky start to our weekend. Molly's flight was delayed so she didn't get into the airport until 2:30 am. When we got back to our house at 3:30am, Keaton was just waking up for her middle of the night feeding. As I was feeding her (Molly stayed up with me to chat), we hear Jensen coughing and crying. Joe checked on him to find that he'd thrown up. Poor little guy's first stomach bug that caused vomiting. So we spent the remainder of the night, changing Jensen's sheets numerous times and taking care of him. Needless to say, we spent much of Friday recovering from our sleepless night. Jensen napped from 11:30-3:30 and then went back to bed at 7:00. I felt so bad for him!
On Saturday, he woke up and was almost back to himself so we took a walk up to Stilesboro Biscuits for a delicious breakfast. Still not feeling 100%, we had to send Joe back to get the car so we could get home a little quicker and not have to put Jensen through the walk back home! The weather was gorgeous Saturday afternoon. What better way to spend it then on the deck of a Mexican restaurant with JUMBO margaritas??? A nice treat!
After nap time on Saturday, Jensen was back! Mr. Personality had returned and was entertaining us all! We went out for burgers on Saturday night. On Sunday, we went to church and then Molly and I got out to do a little shopping. On Monday, we joined Cara, Anderson and Elle at the zoo and then to the Barfield's for dinner.
Jensen loved seeing his Aunt "Monnie." He especially loved the giant Super Why puzzle she brought him as an early birthday gift. And Keaton enjoyed her time with Aunt Molly too! We miss you Molly - come back again soon! Or just move in across the street:)

Waving hi to all the cars outside Stilesboro Biscuits!

Throwing rocks in the waaaterrr!

We had to strip Jensen down since most of his clothes were wet from the creek!

Dinner at Five Guys!

Our guy!

A quick stop at Cuppy's on the way to church

Super Why and Super Jensen!

Exhausted after our trip to the zoo!