Wow, I've been terrible about updating the blog! This has been a crazy busy month!! Joe is still in football season, Nana & Bapa were here visiting, I finished my first 1/2 marathon since having kids and Molly & Josh welcomed a new baby girl to the family! Lots has been going on!!
Joe is entering week #2 of post-season. Hillgrove had their first undefeated (regular) season. They floated through round #1 of playoffs winning 49-12. This week's game will determine whether we get to spend Thanksgiving together as a family. We all have a flight booked for Saturday to Denver to meet our new niece, Clara and spend the holiday with Molly, Josh and my parents. If Joe wins Friday night, he'll have to play the following week which will mean he won't get to come on the trip. If he loses, that will mean the season is over and he'll be traveling to Denver with us. Either way, he'll be happy and sad!
Nana & Bapa have made quite a few visits here over the past month. They came one weekend for Joe's football game and got to catch lots of fall & Halloween activities. They went to Florida for a week and then returned to our house. They then ended up staying almost another week to visit and help with the kids. It was great!! They were here to watch the kids while Joe was working and I headed to Savannah for a girls weekend and to do the inaugural Rock N Roll Savannah 1/2 Marathon. I was happy with my time of 2:04:57 and had such a great time hanging out with my girlfriends all weekend!! Much needed weekend away! A huge thanks to Nana & Bapa for sticking around to watch the kids! After being worn out by a 2 1/2 year old and 10 month old, they got in the car and traveled 24 hours to Denver to meet their new little granddaughter, Clara. She was born on November 4 at 11:40am and weighed 8lb. 13oz. She's so cute and we can't to meet here next weekend!!
A Jensen & Keaton update:
Jensen provides enjoyment, entertainment, frustration, challenges and delight to our lives each and every day! He still loves the ABCs and is beginning to spell more words. His memory amazes us! His big obsession right now is to go on a bear hunt! We watch it on my phone or computer and he gets so excited and scared! He'll hide around the corner and wait for the part where we're in the cave. And he can recite most of it! It's hilarious! For the past few weeks, he's been waking very early in the morning (6:30ish). But this became earlier once we turned the clocks back last weekend. This week he was getting up at 5:45 and singing songs, reading books and just having fun at the top of his lungs in his room. We are worn out! We're also worn out from more of the "terrible two" behaviors we experience these days. There's a lot of whining, a lot of "I don't want tooooo....," and a lot of "no!" Basically there is a lot of resistance to activities throughout the entire day! Now that Keaton is on the move and into lots of toys, we're also dealing with more pushing, hitting, stealing, rough play, etc. As parents, this repetitive behavior often makes us question our decisions and discipline style. We're learning a lot about ourselves and trying to figure out what works, what doesn't work and what is best to ensure we raise happy, polite and respectful kids!
Keaton pretty much wears a smile on her face most of the time! She is pulling up on everything. I saw her stand independently for a few seconds for the first time today! And she pushes the little chairs around the kitchen as her "walker." I'm thinking she may be walking by her first birthday, which is just 5 weeks away! How did this sneak up on me??? I am so not ready for our little munchkin to be one! She is eating everything...bananas, cheerios, yogurt, mixed veggies, cheese, crackers, pears and often a little of what we're having for dinner. Just this past week, she figured out her sippy cup. Still no visual signs of a tooth, but she continues to drool so we know they're coming!
We have our challenging points of every day, but I also take time daily to think about how lucky and blessed we are!!! I have two beautiful, healthy children that make me smile everyday!!
Here's a little glimpse into our lives over the past month...

Loving some spaghet!

Post-race in Savannah with Angie & Beth

Watching videos on the 'puter!

On a Bear Hunt at the Park! Climbed up the tree!

Playdate with Addy

J's pre-school class - Noah's Ark Parade

Jensen was a pig on Noah's Ark

This was a first!! Jensen fell asleep on the couch while I was making dinner.
Don't think he had taken a nap that day at school.

Halloween baskets

A little playtime at Masterson's

Ain't that the truth! He is definitely under her spell:)

Listening to the storyteller

Our little ladybug

Cyclops watching the train go by

Chasing bubbles at the Halloween Fest

After a Hillgrove victory!

We had a great cheering squad for this game!

Jensen got into the dress up clothes at school...A dress & a helmet!!!

Jensen's pre-school Fall Festival - The 2, 3 and 4 year old classes performed "God Made Me." This was Jensen's first "performance!"

Berry Patch Farm

The Glass Family joined us at the HHS vs. NCHS game.
As always, Jensen & Addy had a ball together!

Seems as though she always has a smile on her face:)

After the big win over McEachern!
14,500 people in attendance for this high school rivalry game!

We made it to quite a few freshman games this season.
Joe had a chance to visit with the kids and chase Jensen around the field and track!!

Keaton joined me for a morning run and fell asleep in the stroller!