This year has gone by too fast! Our little girl is one year old!! And so much fun!! There aren't many times in a day that she isn't wearing a smile. She's easily entertained, she sleeps 12 hours/night and will lay in her crib forever just playing with the zillion lovies that keep her cozy! She's a great eater and a real trooper when her big brother plays too rough with her.
She's been taking a few steps here and there and will move around very well with push toys and support. She has also discovered the stairs and thinks it so much fun to get to the top. She smiles and giggles (her giggle is more of a pant) because she is so proud of herself! She's got a sippy cup figured out and we plan to soon be done with the bottles. She has definitely followed in Jensen's footsteps with eating and shovels food into her mouth as quick as possible.
She's such a treat! We're thankful everyday for our two healthy and beautiful children!!