September 3, 2014
August 30, 2014
Learning...For Parents & the Child
I received a phone call from Jensen's teacher on the second week of school. When she said, "I hate to have to make this call," I knew it was not good! After being put in time out for not listening and behaving, Jensen stuck his tongue out at the teacher. WHAT!?!?!? I can't tell you how embarrassed and upset we were.
So we've been having A LOT of conversations with Jensen about making good choices, being a leader and not following what others in the classroom may be doing, respect and what it means to be a good listener.
The other night, after he had all bedtime books taken away (the worst punishment you can give Jensen - he's devastated!), Jensen and I had a long conversation about the importance of making good choices. He looked at me so sincerely and so serious and said, "But mommy, HOW do I make good choices?"
A few days later, we were in the car on the way home from a doctor appointment where he hadn't been listening. Again, we were having a talk, this time about the importance of being a good listener. He said, "I really want to be a good listener. HOW do I become a better listener?"
So true! We tell him all the time we want him to be a better listener and he needs to work on making good choices and he just wants to know HOW to do it!
Good news is that when I saw his teacher this week she said his behavior has improved so much since the day he had gotten in trouble. I think he's got a rowdy class and his teacher definitely has her hands full! We're all learning lessons!
One more Jensen story....He came home Friday from school with a note from his teacher saying he'd complained of a stomach ache during school, was taken to the nurse, but didn't have a fever. She mentioned there is a stomach bug going around the school. Jensen asked me to read the note to him so I did. A few minutes later, again quite serious, he asked, "But why do I have a bug in my stomach?"
Luckily after a good night sleep, he's back to normal! Up at 6am on his own and downstairs putting puzzles together while only the light of what was coming through the window at that time of the morning!
So we've been having A LOT of conversations with Jensen about making good choices, being a leader and not following what others in the classroom may be doing, respect and what it means to be a good listener.
The other night, after he had all bedtime books taken away (the worst punishment you can give Jensen - he's devastated!), Jensen and I had a long conversation about the importance of making good choices. He looked at me so sincerely and so serious and said, "But mommy, HOW do I make good choices?"
A few days later, we were in the car on the way home from a doctor appointment where he hadn't been listening. Again, we were having a talk, this time about the importance of being a good listener. He said, "I really want to be a good listener. HOW do I become a better listener?"
So true! We tell him all the time we want him to be a better listener and he needs to work on making good choices and he just wants to know HOW to do it!
Good news is that when I saw his teacher this week she said his behavior has improved so much since the day he had gotten in trouble. I think he's got a rowdy class and his teacher definitely has her hands full! We're all learning lessons!
One more Jensen story....He came home Friday from school with a note from his teacher saying he'd complained of a stomach ache during school, was taken to the nurse, but didn't have a fever. She mentioned there is a stomach bug going around the school. Jensen asked me to read the note to him so I did. A few minutes later, again quite serious, he asked, "But why do I have a bug in my stomach?"
Luckily after a good night sleep, he's back to normal! Up at 6am on his own and downstairs putting puzzles together while only the light of what was coming through the window at that time of the morning!
August 29, 2014
Getting Into a Routine
The end of August is here and honestly, I'm okay with that. August is not one of my favorite months. Especially this seems as if our real summer hit just kicked in within the past two weeks. I will gladly welcome fall even though I'm sure we have a few weeks of hot days left!
We've had a fun August though! Here's what we've been up to...
Water Hopscotch
Jensen has been working hard on riding his bike without training wheels! Thumbs up, dude!!
Jensen & Laney waiting for the bus!
Nana visited
Keaton enjoyed the "girl party" - Rhiannon's wedding shower
After school time with Laney
Jensen cleaning the Tanner's
Lunch with Jensen. We got to eat on the stage together!
As much as we're settling into our new routine, I'm convinced there is not going to be a set schedule. Jensen is loving everything about kindergarten and he's starting to be able to read more. He's just started getting homework. Keaton wakes up excited for school almost every morning and has been asking to go to school on the weekends!
Jensen is on a 6U baseball team, the Padres! Keaton is doing dance and will start soccer next weekend.
It's football season - Joe is home long enough to sleep and start the next day over.
Jensen is on a 6U baseball team, the Padres! Keaton is doing dance and will start soccer next weekend.
It's football season - Joe is home long enough to sleep and start the next day over.
I've just finished week #2 at KSU and loving it! I love my schedule. I love the classes I'm teaching. I'm really enjoying my students. I love that I can still be home to get Jensen off the bus a few times each week. And I love that I'm not bouncing back and forth between two jobs! I'm a room mom for Jensen's class.
We're back together with a small group. Some previous members and some new families joining us. We're planning to start with iMarriage.
We're back together with a small group. Some previous members and some new families joining us. We're planning to start with iMarriage.
As you can see, we're busy and ready for the long weekend! Between Joe's football schedule, Jensen's baseball practice, a birthday party and my need to work a little, we're hoping to find some time for a little relaxation and pool time!!
August 6, 2014
So Far, So Good!
Three days in and the kids are loving their new classrooms...and Jensen his new school! The only tears we've seen this week are when it's time to go home!
Jensen woke up on his own this morning at 6:15am (same time we've woken him up the past two mornings). He came to the top of the stairs rubbing his eyes and asked if it was time to go to the bus stop yet. He went on to tell me how great his day was going to be because he was going to see Laney! And while eating breakfast, he told us how he'd been talking to God last night...all about making good choices! He was a bright little sunshine this morning!!!
After school I received a phone call from Jensen's teacher. She called to say that Jensen had been doing very well, he was listening well and was eager to learn! What a fun phone call to get after the third day of school!!
One of Jensen's favorite parts of his days is being with his best buddy, Laney! She is the sweetest little girl with a giant personality! So full of expression! And they are so cute together!!!
Keaton has also transitioned back to school and into her new classroom very well! She's been bright eyed and happy every morning! She's back together with all her friends...playing the sleeping game, the mom game, etc.
Not sure how much longer they'll be so happy and excited to get up early and go to school, but we'll take it while they got it:)
Jensen woke up on his own this morning at 6:15am (same time we've woken him up the past two mornings). He came to the top of the stairs rubbing his eyes and asked if it was time to go to the bus stop yet. He went on to tell me how great his day was going to be because he was going to see Laney! And while eating breakfast, he told us how he'd been talking to God last night...all about making good choices! He was a bright little sunshine this morning!!!
After school I received a phone call from Jensen's teacher. She called to say that Jensen had been doing very well, he was listening well and was eager to learn! What a fun phone call to get after the third day of school!!
One of Jensen's favorite parts of his days is being with his best buddy, Laney! She is the sweetest little girl with a giant personality! So full of expression! And they are so cute together!!!
Having an after school snack at CFA
Not sure how much longer they'll be so happy and excited to get up early and go to school, but we'll take it while they got it:)
August 4, 2014
My Babies are Back to School...And Somebody Started Kindergarten!
Last Thursday, we went to Jensen's sneak a peek and met his kindergarten teachers, Ms. Friedrich & Ms. Romero. We love them and know he's going to have a great year! He has a few friends in his class and was happy to see his new classroom.
Jensen & Laney
Jensen, Laney, Addy & a little boy from another neighborhood that will be riding the same bus!
The start of the next 13 years of his life!
'Twas the night before kindergarten...and this boy was all smiles!

Jensen's teacher gave him this card to read on Sunday night before school. It was a cute little poem about the excitement of the first day of school. It also contained a small bag of gold star confetti that should be sprinkled under his pillow. The stars were magic and would help him fall right to sleep. So Jensen carefully spread the stars under both pillows and laid his head down. As he laid down for about a 1/2 second, he quickly said, "It doesn't work!" It was cute!! And he was still excited!

Ready to go! Jensen & Laney

Is it really time to send our little man to kindergarten??????

No looking back...They were all smiles and ready to go to school!
Keaton's first day of 3 year-old preschool at Open Arms! She was happy to go back and see her friends!
Jensen arrived home Monday afternoon with a giant smile on his sweet face! He had a great first day and was full of stories and songs!
I'm so excited about the start of this school year! There's quite a bit of change happening, but all great change! I feel good about the kids' teachers and can already see they're enjoying being back together with their friends!
I'm also excited about my change! I'm thrilled to not balance two part-time jobs and even more thrilled to focus completely on what I've always wanted to do! Here's to new beginnings!
Summer - Summer - Summertime!
The summer has come & gone quickly! I had all intentions of being productive and catching up on picture-type projects this summer...and it just didn't happen! I also did not make one single blog entry over the summer. So I've uploaded a bunch of pictures from the summer to do a little recap.
We've had an awesome summer full of travel, pool time, hanging with family and friends, camp, VBS and some other surprises!!
Memorial Weekend:
Went to Athens to visit our good friends, the Chrisohons who had just moved there.

Keaton & Hartley Mae
Jensen & Eli
Spent Sunday morning visiting UGA campus!
End of May:
Strawberry picking with the Porters
Yummy ice cream sandwiches
June 2-5:
Jensen & Carson went to baseball camp
June 2-5:
Jensen & Carson went to baseball camp
Jensen went to Weird Animals VBS at Due West Methodist and
Jensen & Keaton went to Weird Animals VBS at Living Hope Church (Open Arms).
In between the two VBS sessions, they also took swim lessons with Ms. Rebecca. This was Jensen's third year and Keaton's first year.
VBS at Open Arms with Bode & Brady
June 6-8:
Joe and the kids went to Savannah to visit Grandma. J-pa met them there (from Charlotte) so he and Joe could go on a fishing excursion!
June 5-9:
I spent the weekend in Nashville at the CMA Fest with my best friends from college, Sarah & Lindsey. Such a fun weekend together! And I bought my first pair of cowboy boots!!
Father's Day!!
A laid back day at the pool and grilling out. The kids made Joe an "All About My Daddy" paper!
A laid back day at the pool and grilling out. The kids made Joe an "All About My Daddy" paper!
Keaton's 1/2 Birthday Celebration!
No better way to celebrate Keaton this year than a Frozen party!!!
The Swanson & Dups visited Atlanta in June for Phil & Joye's wedding! A crazy few days packed with fun and then we all hit the roads for WNY. Molly & Josh stopped in Ohio for a few days to visit with Josh's family and then we reconvened in Jamestown for the week.
Heading to the pool!
Visiting WNY - Chautauqua Lake
Visiting with Great Gram!
Happy 4th of July!
Beautiful evening on the lake. Heading to The Vikings for reubens & Cubans!
The Brewery
Nana & Bapa with their kiddos!
Keaton's first time tubing...she wasn't a fan!
Keaton has become obsessed with Bailey and other dogs this summer!
In mid-June, after almost six years of working at TNT part-time, my position was cut. Although it was sad to say goodbye and hard for it to end that way, I knew something bigger was in store for me, just wasn't sure it was going to happen so soon. I spent the following month enjoying my summer days with the kids and Joe. We packed it full of fun activities and travels (as you can see from the pictures)!
What came next, I was not expecting...In mid-July, I was offered a full-time teaching position at KSU!!!! I had been hoping and praying for this opportunity for so long, but had no idea it would happen like it did! This was clearly God's plan all along! I was able to have a month off with my family and enjoy my first summer of not working since I've had kids. Joe and I have always said that it would be nice to at least get Jensen to kindergarten with me working part-time and here we are, sending Jensen to kindergarten!
I am so excited! I love the new class I'll be teaching and my fall schedule. I've worked it out that I will be able to get home a few days a week to get Jensen off the bus! It's amazing that I can be working full-time and still have the flexibility to be home with Jensen in the afternoons! For the first few nights after it happened, I was waking up in the middle of the night pinching myself! I can't believe how this has all come together! We are blessed!!!
In mid-June, after almost six years of working at TNT part-time, my position was cut. Although it was sad to say goodbye and hard for it to end that way, I knew something bigger was in store for me, just wasn't sure it was going to happen so soon. I spent the following month enjoying my summer days with the kids and Joe. We packed it full of fun activities and travels (as you can see from the pictures)!
What came next, I was not expecting...In mid-July, I was offered a full-time teaching position at KSU!!!! I had been hoping and praying for this opportunity for so long, but had no idea it would happen like it did! This was clearly God's plan all along! I was able to have a month off with my family and enjoy my first summer of not working since I've had kids. Joe and I have always said that it would be nice to at least get Jensen to kindergarten with me working part-time and here we are, sending Jensen to kindergarten!
I am so excited! I love the new class I'll be teaching and my fall schedule. I've worked it out that I will be able to get home a few days a week to get Jensen off the bus! It's amazing that I can be working full-time and still have the flexibility to be home with Jensen in the afternoons! For the first few nights after it happened, I was waking up in the middle of the night pinching myself! I can't believe how this has all come together! We are blessed!!!
Joe & Jensen spent an evening fishing!
Joe & Jensen spent an evening fishing!
And Jensen caught a fish!
A great day with the Barfields!
CFA for lunch
Our awesome garden!

ABC Camp at the Y
This camp is for 3-5 year olds so one of the few times the kids will be able to do camp together for another few years. They were in the same group and loved playing together all morning!
This camp is for 3-5 year olds so one of the few times the kids will be able to do camp together for another few years. They were in the same group and loved playing together all morning!
Luke Bryan concert with Mandy & Van. A fun date night!!
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