January 30, 2014

Snow Day #1

 The road leading to our house
 Took me 1 1/2 hours to travel the 1.5 miles down this road on Tuesday evening
 So many abandoned cars!

 Hooray for Georgia snow!!
 Every other day of the year, we don't like having a steep driveway. But for today, it was the perfect hill for sledding!

 Heading up the hill out of our neighborhood.
Very minimal traffic so everyone was out sledding on the streets.
 These two had a great day!!!

 Keaton insisted on wearing her skirt out to play in the snow!

 Couldn't get this smiling face off the sled!

Snow and ice bound on day #1. Kids loved sledding, playing in the snow and getting warm with hot chocolate!

Glad we were all home together safe and happy, but feeling for those who were still stranded in cars, hotels, stranger's homes, etc. This was a true disaster for the entire surrounding area!

January 29, 2014

Snow Jam 2014

 Nightmare traffic driving home from work

Jensen, Keaton & Reese in the snow

What a nightmare!!! I have never seen anything like this! 

They forecasted snow and some ice. In the morning, most schools were still in session and some decided to cancel after school activities. As the day progressed, many schools decided to do early release. 

Our kids' school planned to close at 3pm, the high schools were released 2 hours early and KSU closed at 1pm. I left KSU at 1:17pm and NEVER could have imagined what ended up happening! I moved about one mile in the first two hours.  Traffic was at a dead stop! I finally passed a small hill of ice where 8-10 cars were stuck/had spun out. I was able to get momentum before the hill and pass by going into the oncoming lanes of traffic. Once I got past that mess, it was clear, open road for about 1 1/2 miles. Once I reached another major intersection, people stopping to take a right turn, were spinning out. Again, I was able to get momentum and go around and get up the hill. I hate that I passed so many cars who needed help, but I was in my work clothes and there wasn't much I was going to be able to do. And honestly, if I stopped my car to get out, I was just adding to the traffic problem. 

I was able to get a hold of a friend around 4:00 who got to the kids school and picked them up. I had one more minor obstacle getting to her house, but for the most part, the rest of the trip getting to the kids was fairly smooth.

In the meantime, Joe had left his school at 12:30pm. Again, we clearly thought that was PLENTY of time to get the kids by 3pm. He ended up getting stuck on one road that was completely blocked by a bus and tow truck that had gotten stuck. He parked his car in a clubhouse parking lot, put on his fishing waders and boots (which happened to be in the trunk of the car) and hiked 4.5 miles home.

I finally got to the kids at 4:45pm, 3 1/2 hours after I left work, which is probably about 6 miles away! INSANE!!! But so relieved to finally be with them! We stayed to visit for a little while longer and then was anxious about getting home to check on Joe. His phone had run out of battery so I had no way of communicating with him. And it was nearly impossible to get a call out during that time because so many people were using their phones!!!

So we left my friends house around 5:15ish and headed out 1 1/2 miles to home. The small road that leads to our house was utter chaos! Abandoned cars were lining the road and people were walking everywhere. I waited in a line of traffic for a long time. Joe called and had made it home. He and our neighbor, Laura walked to meet us with sleds and took the kids, thinking they'd get home far before I would with the car. Traffic finally started moving just at that time so I was able to get the momentum needed to get around the parked cars and up the icy hills.

I finally got home at 6:45pm (after leaving work at 1:17pm). The entire city was/is a major disaster!!!! I've heard stories of it taking 10-12 hours to get home. The news this morning is showing all the stranded drivers who have barely moved on the interstate throughout the night. Kids are stuck in schools. Kids are stuck on school buses out on the roads. Parents couldn't get to their kids. People abandoned their cars to walk home. It's 10 degrees right now. 

So thankful we all got home safely and were snuggled up in our warm beds last night! I could have never imagined the day would have ended up like that! We're praying for those who are stuck and hoping all families are back together again soon!!!

Dress up!

When I arrived at school Monday to pick up the kids, Keaton was laying down reading a book wearing this fun hat! When I picked her up from her classroom at church on Sunday, she was wearing a princess dress covered by a fireman jacket. This girl loves dressing up!!!

January 24, 2014


Just a little slice of life...Our normal bedtime routine - books, books and more books! Each kid got a devotional book for Christmas and insists on finishing with a devotion every night. Now that they're both in school everyday, they seem to fall asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow!

Igloo Party!

Today in Jensen's PreK class, they had a ribbon cutting ceremony for their igloo. The class has been collecting milk jugs for the past few months and the teachers worked very hard to put together this amazing igloo! The kids can go inside to read and practice their sight words. Jensen has been so excited for this!

During snack time the class enjoyed snowball and igloo themed treats and they crafted igloo cupcakes out of vanilla cupcakes, white whipped frosting and mini marshmallows. They each got to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate with a marshmallow as well. Jensen even wore his penguin shirt to go with the theme!

January 22, 2014

Tiny Dancer!

Meet our little ballerina! Keaton is now taking dance at the Y with other 3 and 4 year-olds and she is loving it! They do ballet and tap each class and will have a recital in the spring. Her class will be dancing to a Sofia the First song.

Celebrating the 100th Day of School

Jensen's class is celebrating the 100th day of school today in Pre-K. He was asked to bring in 100 of any item. We chose mini Teddy Grahams. He counted them out in rows of 10 and then practiced counting by 5's and 10's. And he loved doing it!!!

January 21, 2014

"You're my best friend!"

Ok, so now I haven't gone just months. I've gone a year...actually more than a year since I've done consistent updates. But we're back! I'm committing to regular updates, even just short ones.

Life sure has been crazy and I will soon do a quick recap of the time we've been absent, but for now, here ya go!

These two have really been bonding lately and truly are best friends! This morning when we were out doing errands, I asked them to hold hands in the parking lot. Keaton grabbed Jensen's hand, looked at him and said, "Jens, you're my best friend!"

MLK holiday and it was 60 degrees today! We took advantage of the gorgeous weather and had an awesome afternoon at Kennesaw Mountain!!

Keaton (3) and Jensen (4)