THE month has arrived....It's MARCH! Although I think we've got a few more weeks, Poppy could arrive anyday now! The final preparations continue and the check list is slowly being completed...Car seat installed, check. Bag packed, check. Outfits for Poppy ready to bring to the hosptial, check. Finish reading Baby Wise, NO check! I haven't read all the parenting, breastfeeding and labor books I wanted to, but again, I'm having to force myself to accept the fact that we're going to learn a lot as we go!
I cant believe its already time!!!
we'll be praying for you guys!
cant wait to see baby poppy!!
The Cannons!
Sooooo is it a HE or SHE?!? AND what is the secret name!? We can't wait to meet little Gerda! Much love, Whitney and Nathan
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