We're starting to see the beginning signs of crawling....He pushes up with his arms and scooches backwards, but we haven't seen much action with the knees yet. And as you can probably guess, eating continues to be one of his favorite activities of the day.....Hmmmm, sound like anyone else you know??? I believe Joe had a shirt when he was a baby that said "EAT"....I think that would be quite appropriate for Jensen too! He loves to feed himself so we've started giving him peas, lentils, small pieces of cheese, bread and bananas, etc. that he can pick up and put in his mouth.
Joe's football season is over and it's been fun to have him around a little more the past few weeks to share in the fun of feeding, bathing, walks, etc. Just can't get enough of Jensen's little smile - We feel so blessed everday!

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