Eleven months old and still not crawling! He's SOOO close...He's reaching out for things and scooting all across the room, but just won't stay up on those hands and knees! He's still enjoying eating (what a surprise!) as much as always....beans, veggies, fruit (loves bananas and baked apples with cinnamon), cottage cheese, mini bagels, mini rice cakes, ravioli, water...pretty much loves everything! We've also started adding some milk to his bottle! We're going to gradually add more throughout the month and hope for a smooth transition! We've dropped one bottle from his day and he's now getting a snack and water in it's place. He had no problems with that change so we're hoping all of these changes will go well over the next month. So far so good!
We've recently found a church that we really have enjoyed attending! They have an 11:30 service which works out great with Jensen's schedule. He loves the nursery and playing with the other kids! Another reason we love taking him to school...He's used to this type of environment and doesn't have a problem with being left in the nursery. Joe and I have liked the messages and the music and feel quite comfortable at this church. We're really excited about it!
It's been a beautiful weekend and we've all got a little spring fever now! Joe has LOVED spending time doing yard work and it's just been great for all of us to get out of the house! We spent some time walking, swinging in the backyard, grilling out....and I even got to enjoy some alone mommy time on my lounge chair in the sunshine! I've come to truly appreciate those rare and brief moments! We're looking forward to the sunny months ahead and enjoying all the time we have together!

1 comment:
Amazing! Almost one, time has flown by. He just lights up each picture. Love ya!
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