January 30, 2011

No More Monkeys Jumpin on the Bed

Seemed to be this weekend's theme song!

On Friday night, as Joe was putting Jensen to bed, Jensen tried to climb out of the crib for the first time. He got one leg over the rail and sat on the edge like he was riding a horse. Joe was standing in his room and saw it all happen. Jensen, somewhat timid of what would actually happen if he put the other leg out, decided to pull his leg back into the crib....Thank God!! Since then he has not tried to do it again, but we're now researching the many ways we can move him to his big boy bed before he does get brave enough to crawl out and eventually hurt himself! Oh, let the fun begin! I know it's time to do this, but he's been taking 2 1/2 - 3 hour naps and then we will sit in his crib for 30 minutes playing. It's so nice right now that he does not have the ability to get out whenever he wants. Life is about to change!!

We've been singing 5 Little Monkeys a lot lately. We were on our way home from a friend's house late last night and Jensen was with us - awake and singing the entire ride home! He loves to sing the doctor's orders..."No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

So that pretty much sums up our weekend...Monkeys jumping on and out of bed:)

January 25, 2011

ABC Craziness

Jensen's obsession with the alphabet continues! We went to story time at the library today. It was really cute...I think Jensen needs to go a few more times to understand the routine. He was a little "all over the place" today! The woman who led it, did a CD of songs and of course, Jensen loved the singing, clapping and dancing. Surprisingly with as much as he loves books, that didn't keep his attention so much. We did a craft activity at the end and he got to bring home his little shaker. Thankfully, Keaton cooperated and slept the entire time since Jensen was a wild man and I was running after him!

One Month Stats

So the stats are in from Keaton's 1 month appointment. Looks like she's following in her brother's footsteps....She's in the 97th percentile for weight and height and 90th percentile for her head size. Yep, she's gained 3 lbs in a month and is now up to 11lbs 6oz and measures 22 3/4 inches. The dr said she looks great! In fact, when he shined his little light tool to look into her eyes, she made a big smile...it was so cute:)

January 23, 2011

Kisses & Smiles

Jensen sneaking to give Keaton another kiss:)

Let the smiling begin!

Jensen & Benson

We got together with the Durham's on Saturday morning. Jensen & Benson had fun playing together - they're exactly a year apart! It was great to see them!

Go Hawks!

Jensen got a new Hillgrove sweatshirt - so we got him dressed to go see the Hawk's basketball game on Friday night. It was Keaton's first basketball game - she slept through the entire thing! Jensen watched the game for a few minutes, but then enjoyed going up and down the bleachers and around the upper track of the gym. It was a fun family outing to visit daddy's school though!

Our little patient

Our little Bailey had to have knee surgery on Friday. We knew she had injured some of her ligaments, but once the vet got in there to do the surgery, he found her ACL was completely torn and her PCL was partially torn. She's got a long recovery ahead of her, but good news is, she'll be back to herself again someday!
It's so hard to see her gimping around right now. You can see that she wants so bad to be running, playing and cuddling. Her big bandage pictured above was removed today and she now has a smaller compress wrap on the majority of her leg. She can not go up and down stairs for 6 weeks and has to be on a leash every time she goes out right now. We'll be starting ice, heat and range of motion activities within the next few weeks. We're going to make sure she follows the rehab protocol so she can have a full recovery. This rehab sure is an additional challenge to Jensen running around like a crazy man & the needs of a newborn! Wow!

Friday Playdate

We got together with Elle, Anderson & Hartley for our regular Friday play date...It was Keaton's first one!! The kids had lasagna for lunch so to avoid stained clothes, we took off their shirts. Jensen was lucky enough to enjoy his lunch with the 2 topless ladies:)

Hartley loved practicing holding Keaton! Great preparation for the arrival of her little sister, Brinley!

Two Under Two!

Life is crazy right now, but I'm sure not complaining! These two little boogers are the center of our world right now and as you can see from the picture above, Jensen is loving his little sister!

Jensen wanted to help take pictures of Keaton and this was the shot he got!

January 20, 2011

Keaton is 1 month old!

How is it possible that little Keaton is already 1 month old??? The last month has been amazing and has gone by way too fast! Keaton is beginning to fall into a schedule...She's eating every 3 hours during the day and about every 4 hours at night. I've got to say (knock on wood), she's a very good baby....laid back, eats well and sleeps well! It's been hard not to spoil her so someone often has her in their arms:) Got to enjoy the time while we have it!!

Here are some pictures from the past week....

Bundled up and ready for a walk in the neighborhood

Cute as a button

After her bath

Jensen sure does love his little sister!

He's so excited to give her hugs and kisses!

Keaton & Anderson - exactly 3 months apart!

Just like Jensen, Keaton loves her dog Bailey!

January 18, 2011

Jensen is 22 months old!

Our monthly photo sessions are becoming a little more challenging! Jensen is just two months away from his 2nd birthday and everyday is something new and fun! He is absolutely obsessed with the alphabet and can now recite his ABC's and recognize every letter. He's constantly stating the letters on signs, t-shirts, labels, etc. He can also count to 10 and typically does this every time he walks up and down the stairs. His vocabulary, understanding and ability to follow commands seems to improve each day.

Jensen continues to take 2-3 hour naps and sleeps about 11-12 hours each night. This is Jensen's first week back to school since mid-December and we think he's loved getting back to see his friends and teachers! Joe said that when he dropped him off on Tuesday, he ran in and started playing with the toys like they were his long lost friends:)

Along with the new and fun things Jensen is showing us each day, he's also presenting us with wonderful parenting lessons on a daily basis. We've been using timeouts and we believe he's starting to understand what this means. Sometimes he'll receive the timeout warning and walk himself over to timeout and sit there. Other times, it's more of a struggle to keep him in time out.

Jensen has adjusted well to Keaton's arrival! His fascination with her continues. He likes to say baby, give her hugs, high-5's & knuckles and point at her eyes, mouth, nose, etc. He is a great big brother!!

January 16, 2011

More Snow Pictures!

So our major snowstorm turned into a major ice storm! We received about 5-6" of snow on Monday and on Tuesday everything froze. All of the snow had a sheer layer of ice - on roads, sidewalks, driveways, yards, etc. Unfortunately, the ice made it difficult to get outside and play. In the picture above, Jensen took a spill and was frustrated because he couldn't get up.

Joe was out of school all week because the roads were solid sheets of ice and just not safe for buses to travel on. I've got to admit, I liked having Joe around since it was my first week "on my own!" It prolonged the inevitable of me having to do this all by myself. We had a nice week of indoor activities. We had a few play dates throughout the week and by Thursday, we ventured out to the mall so Jensen could play on the indoor playground. It was nice to have the family time together!

Joe took Bailey and Jensen for a nice winter walk!

January 11, 2011

It's so hard to say goodbye!

We said goodbye to G & G Swanee today after two weeks. We had a great visit and are so appreciative of all their help! I guess this is when reality sets in and we have to figure out how to do this on our own. Over the past two weeks, we've been spoiled with delicious meals, less diaper changing responsibilities, help at bath time and bed time, etc. I think we're now in trouble! No, I know we're going to figure it out, but "Nana" and "Bapa" will surely be missed around here! Come back soon:)

Keaton - 3 weeks

Big bro and lil sis cuddle on Jensen's new chair after Jensen played in the snow

Nana cuddling with Keaton and her sweet little angel wings!

Jensen truly enjoyed his banana chocolate chip pancakes!! (Notice his new haircut!)

Keaton is really starting to love the swing

January 10, 2011

MEGA Storm 2011

We got our second snowfall of the winter, which is very unusual for the Atlanta area. We got between 5-6", the most I've ever seen in this area! Joe is off work...In fact, all of Atlanta is shut down! We took Jensen out to play in the snow and on his first "major" sled ride. He went down the driveway with Joe, Nana and our neighbor, Gary. He loved playing in the "bubbles," but was ready to come in and warm up!

Cuddle time with Keaton

We've been enjoying some sweet cuddle time with our little princess!

January 6, 2011

January 5, 2011

Welcome 2011!

We had a great New Years Day celebration! Jane, Bill, Cara, Andy, Elle and Anderson joined us for our annual birthday/New Years meal of stromboli and pistachio cake. We feel lucky to have our family together to help celebrate the start of the new year!

Jensen & Elle having the time of their lives together!!

Jensen helped sing "Happy Derday!"

Jensen enjoyed reading his new Elmo book while wearing his new snowman hat from Jane & Bill

High 5's and "knunles" for Baby Keaton!

Jensen & Nana had a picnic in Jensen's new turtle tent!