Jensen continues to take 2-3 hour naps and sleeps about 11-12 hours each night. This is Jensen's first week back to school since mid-December and we think he's loved getting back to see his friends and teachers! Joe said that when he dropped him off on Tuesday, he ran in and started playing with the toys like they were his long lost friends:)
Along with the new and fun things Jensen is showing us each day, he's also presenting us with wonderful parenting lessons on a daily basis. We've been using timeouts and we believe he's starting to understand what this means. Sometimes he'll receive the timeout warning and walk himself over to timeout and sit there. Other times, it's more of a struggle to keep him in time out.
Jensen has adjusted well to Keaton's arrival! His fascination with her continues. He likes to say baby, give her hugs, high-5's & knuckles and point at her eyes, mouth, nose, etc. He is a great big brother!!
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