We just returned from our first family vacation in Destin! We had such a great time!! In fact, I met a woman on the beach one night and was telling her we were on a family vacation and she said, "Isn't it magical?" She summed it up perfectly! We so enjoyed watching Jensen's eyes light up when he saw the beach! Everyday he ran around nonstop in the sand and water. He couldn't get enough of the beach and was worn out everyday by the nap time. One day he napped for 4 1/2 hours and another day he was asking to take a nap! Keaton also enjoyed her time at the beach. She had a great setup with her swing, a cool breeze and a giant ocean sound machine!
We had so much fun and enjoyed our time together as a family! It was A LOT of work and brought a whole new meaning to vacation, but was so worth it! We were up at 6:30 everyday, took afternoon breaks during nap time, had dinner at 5:00 and went to the beach for sunset....Just the way vacation works with a toddler and an infant! We're loving our new reality and looking forward to making many more wonderful spring break memories in the future!
An update on both kids: Jensen's vocabulary continues to grow daily...tunnel, dolphin, ok, Here I am...It's amazing to watch him change everday right before our eyes! Keaton is still working on finding a schedule...She's regressed some with her sleeping habits and is having a tough time going down at night. She starts school next week so we're hoping that will help her settle into a schedule that will work well for all of us:)

Jensen loves the beach!!

On the first day, Jensen ran right into the water and was quite surprised by the taste and temperature of the ocean! He popped up with his eyes wide open!

Is she ready for the beach or what?

A gorgeous sunset at the beach

Daddy and Jensen built a giant tunnel!

Jensen not only enjoyed playing in the sand, but also eating the sand?!?! He took his chex mix, dipped it in the sand and then ate it...so strange!

We're going to work on our kite flying skills for next spring break!

Jensen was our entertainment at dinner!

Barry and Kate came to the beach to play with us one day!