It's hard to believe our little baby is already 4 months old! We got a great report from the dr. at Keaton's 4 month well visit. She weighs 13lbs. 12 oz. (50th percentile), 25 1/2" long (90th percentile) and head is 16 1/2" (75th percentile). She was very interactive with the dr. We got a few little coo sounds from her....that is until it was time for shots....then there was some screaming!
She is continuing to do well at school. Every time I've gone to pick her up, she's happily playing with toys or one of the teachers. It feels so good to know she's well cared for and is having fun on the days she's there.
I'd like to say we've made great strides with Keaton's sleeping habits in the past month, but unfortunately we're at the same point. We got in a good grove where she was eating around 7pm, going to sleep around 7:45 pm and then waking up at 4-4:30am to eat. That schedule still occurs, but every few nights, she gets into a pattern where she wakes up every hour and just wants to be held. She gets very upset when she breaks out of the swaddle (and I've tried everything - Miracle Blanket, Kiddopotomus, Sleep Sac) and then has a tough time putting herself back to sleep. In fact, there have been a few nights and naps where we've let her cry it out for about an hour and she never put herself to sleep. I'm reading a few different sleep books and welcoming all suggestions! I'm being very conscious of putting her down awake at night (it went really well tonight- yeah!), which will help her teach herself to soothe herself to sleep. I wake up hopeful every morning that the coming day and night will go well! Her days and nights of consistent sleeping are coming, I know it!!
Other development updates: She started sitting in the bumbo this week. She loves sitting on the kitchen counter (I'm standing right there in case she should fall out) and watching me cook dinner. She's got lots to say and she's really starting to tune in more and smile at Jensen! She rolled from her back to her belly this morning.
Life is crazy and our days are full! We're often tired, but everyday we look at our kids and smile with love and gratitude!
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