I fed her shortly before boarding the plane and she was absolutely fine and happy! Once we were on the plane and others started boarding, something went wrong. She started vomiting and became extremely panicked when she couldn't catch her breath. I was terrified and felt helpless! After going back and forth with the flight attendants, pilot and ticketing agents, I decided to take a chance and stay on the 3 hour flight. I returned to my seat (both Keaton and I covered in vomit) and prayed that Keaton wouldn't get sick again and wouldn't become dehydrated. Thankfully, she slept the entire ride and was healthy for our visit in Denver. Wow, what a scary experience!
So the ride to Denver was rough, but we had such a great time visiting with Nana & Aunt Molly! We visited with Jon, Cathy & Phil, did a little shopping, took a few walks, spent a night in Breckenridge and of course laughed and talked a bunch:) It was a great introduction for Keaton to what Girl's Weekend is like!
My favorite part of our visit was accompanying Molly to her 16 week prenatal appointment. Yep, Molly & Josh are expecting a baby on Halloween! Their dr was so nice and inviting and treated us to a "complimentary ultrasound" so we got to take a peek at lil' Pumpkin!! We're so excited for them and can't wait to meet my little niece or nephew!
This was the longest I'd been gone from Jensen. It was so fun to see him after 5 days...a new haircut and talking more, he seemed so much older! He was so excited to see me and Keaton! When he walked in the house, he ran to us with such excitement and enthusiasm that it scared Keaton and she began to cry. Jensen was so upset Keaton started crying that he too began to cry. His feelings were hurt, he put his hands over his eyes and was so sad! However, it took just a few moments to get our smiling boy back and we had fun playing the rest of the night!!
What a special weekend we all had!!

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