We spent the past few days potty training Jensen. He got into big boy underwear (with the Cars characters of course!) on Thursday and we've stayed pretty close to home. Overall, he's been doing very well!! He's had a few minor accidents at the house and one major one at the playground, but we're dealing with it and continuing to encourage him. We take him to the potty every 20-30 minutes and give him a special treat (Pez or stickers) after each time. He has not yet told us that he has to go, but hopefully that time will come soon.
Keaton has also had major milestones this weekend. She received her last bottle on Friday morning. This is a big deal because she LOVES her bottles!! She was down to just a morning bottle and I got to snuggle with her for the last one on Friday morning. She's done really well with the change and is now drinking water and milk only from sippy cups. And the other HUGE milestone happened today...Our sweet little girl started walking!! She's been taking steps here and there for a few weeks, but this morning she really started walking. It began with 5-10 steps and progressed to moving from one room to the other by the end of the night. And she is now choosing to walk instead of crawl. It's so cute and she's so proud of herself! You can see her challenging herself to do it when she wants to get somewhere too.
All these milestones at the same time might be too much for this mommy to handle! Our little ones are getting big so fast.
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