October 12, 2012

Proud Mommy Alert!

It's been awhile since I gave a general update on the kids so I figured I'd take a few minutes to blog about each of them. I always think I will remember everything about each stage, but then time goes by and it's amazing how I forget! 

Jensen, now 3 1/2 years old continues to smile throughout most of the day! He has a true passion for life and learning! Everything intrigues him...He's full of questions wondering who, what, where, why and when! He's becoming more mature, understands directions and now has more of a sense of reason. He's helpful and is constantly talking with Keaton and wanting her to play with him. He LOVES school! He enjoys being in that setting and taking in all opportunities to play and learn. With this growth and development, we face challenges and we're learning as parents, new ways to discipline and get him to understand expected behavior and consequences.

We've been going to Joe's school once a week for dinner. A very sweet woman cooks dinner for the coaches' families each week. The second time we went, without being prompted, Jensen walked up to me and asked me if he could tell her thank you for making dinner! It was so sweet!! And we were obviously so proud! She was delighted when Jensen's cute smiling face thanked her:)

Keaton is now 21 months old. Wow, how is it possible our baby girl is almost 2 years old? Joe and I talk all the time about how fast this time is going! Joe just told me the other day how sad he was because he was thinking about not being able to hold Keaton and set her on his hip for much longer! She is full of life and bobbles around the house taking interest in everything her big brother does! She LOVES to color!! And it's amazing how her vocabulary is increasing. She's just started putting more words together saying, "Jensen's milk, Kiki's backpack, etc." It's fun to watch her face as she learns new things each day. She is still obsessed with Mau Mau (Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse).  She's taking 2-3 hour naps in the afternoon and sleeping about 11 or 12 hours each night. She's definitely a picky eater and doesn't always sit for a meal. She likes to snack! She's our little cuddle bug and loves to snuggle each night before she goes to sleep! 

Recently Keaton was a little fussy so I asked her if she needed to go and sit in timeout...She turned around and walked herself directly to the timeout chair!!

Loving my days with these little ones! Feel blessed to be their mommy!!

Dedication Day

 On Sunday, we participated in the Dedication Day service at our church. This is an opportunity for Joe and I to publicly dedicate ourselves to raising Jensen and Keaton in the light of God. About a month ago, Joe and I took part in the Legacy Class at church, where we discussed our intent and purpose as Christian parents. During Sunday's service, a recording of the letters we had written to each child was played while various pictures were shown on the screen. It was such a special day for our family! And we're happy so many friends and family were able to join in the celebration with us! We truly are blessed and thank God everyday for what he continues to provide!

 I just love Keaton's face in this picture:)

October 1, 2012

Weekend Visitors!

We had a full weekend with visitors! Bubbles, Jensen's class pet came to spend the weekend with us.  Jpa was also in town and we filled the days with lots of fun adventures!!

 Jensen & Bubbles got a haircut!
 At the dentist
 Buying bananas at Publix

 Putting together puzzles and reading books at the library

 Out for a walk
 Introducing Bubbles to the goats!

 Cheering for Jensen at his soccer game
 Keaton - at a birthday party
 Bubbles in the foam pit at the gymnastics academy

 Fun with Jpa!

 Bubbles got to play with Jensen, Elle, Anderson & Keaton