December 28, 2008

Swanson Baby Shower

Another wonderful gathering of the Swanson women! We enjoyed a delicious brunch and they decorated with little blocks, like the cookies above. So cute! Each person gave us their favorite children's book. We can't wait for Poppy to arrive so we can start reading each of these fabulous books! Millie knit the most beautiful blanket for Poppy! It was such a great morning to spend time with these special ladies in my life! -Monica

29 Weeks Pregnant - December 28, 2008

December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008

We had a great 2 week Christmas vacation! We spent 2 days in Monticello, 2 days in Charlotte and 10 days in NY. Joe got to see some snow while we were there, but we're still hoping he'll catch a major winter storm some year! He's dying to use a snowblower....good ol' Southern boy:) -Monica

28 Weeks Pregnant - December 25, 2008

November 30, 2008

Daddy put Poppy's furniture together!

Poppy's nursery is starting to come together! Joe had the week off work and spent some time putting together the crib and dresser. It looks great.....We can't wait for our little Poppy to arrive!

My parents also were a HUGE help around the house this past week! They came for a nice Thanksgiving visit and I put them to work! We got quite a few things checked off the list and we really appreciate ALL of their help! -Monica

November 27, 2008

Earning our Thanksgiving Dinner!

What better way to earn your Thanksgiving meal than by completing 13.1 miles??? Mom, Dad, Andy, Cara & I woke up at 4:45am to participate in the Atlanta Half Marathon. Cara & I were so excited when we ran into Lindsey, Alison, Jenn & Jared! Jenn surprised us and it was great to be able to run/walk with her for a short time and catch up! Joe and Bailey were at the finish line to greet us....We were glad to finish and ready for (and deserving of) our delicious Thanksgiving dinner! -Monica

November 25, 2008

Sharing the Experience!

Joe and I have been so amazed throughout this entire journey....We decided it would be fun to surprise my parents & gram and share the excitement! Our neighbor, Gary was gracious enough to bring his ultrasound equipment over and give us a view of what Poppy is up to in there. He spent about an hour showing us great views of Poppy (without revealing the gender)! When my parents were pregnant with me (and Molly), ultrasounds weren't commonly available so this was the first time they were able to experience this remarkable "show!" We were able to see various organs and got to see Poppy swimming around! We're continuously grateful for this incredible exerience and so happy that we can share it with others! -Monica

November 24, 2008

24 Weeks Pregnant - November 24, 2008

We're 6 months pregnant and feeling great! Continuing to belly has really popped in the past week. I'm feeling a lot of movement lately....Poppy is an active little thing and swimming like a fish in there! Joe actually got to feel it move for the first time recently. Awesome!
My parents arrived in town yesterday and my mom got to come with me this morning to my 24 week appointment! We were able to hear the heartbeat - 130 bpm. I have started rotating doctors and she said everything looked good! -Monica

October 28, 2008

20 week ultrasound - October 28, 2008

Today was our 20 week ultrasound, and WOW! That was a fun doctor's visit. The baby is doing great with all the vitals looking normal. We got to see arms, fingers, foot and face! I know it sounds cliche, but it is just incredibly hard to imagine this little person is a peice of Monica and I combined! You can definitely tell it is my child with its huge chin! We also had the choice of finding out the sex, and we declined to do so....BUT, I (being the ultrasound technician from another life) can swear I saw images that indicate a lady baby!! So, I am now dead set on having a daughter and can't freakin' wait to hold her in my arms! -Joe

October 14, 2008

18 weeks pregnant - October 13, 2008

Wow...hard to believe we're almost half way there! Definitely growing and feeling great! -Monica

October 13, 2008

Weekend Visit with Honeymoon Friends!

We had a fun and relaxing weekend! Jenn & Tim, our friends we met on our honeymoon in St. Lucia came to visit us! They drove from St. Louis and brought their dogs, Frank & Beans to play with Bailey! We went to Joe's football game on Friday (they won!), out to dinner on Saturday and hung out at Piedmont Park with the dogs on Sunday! Fun weekend and so great to see them! -Monica

October 8, 2008

1st Annual Mother-Daughter Weekend

Mom, Molly & I enjoyed our first annual Mother-Daughter weekend at Niagra on the Lake! We spent time shopping, talking, laughing, eating and just relaxing! This picture is us just before we relished in our facials....what a treat! We also squeezed in a visit to Jamestown where we were able to visit with my dad, gram, Anna Rae, The Burns & some of the J-town crew! What a great weekend! -Monica

September 29, 2008

16 week dr. appointment - September 29, 2008

We had our 16 week appointment today....Everything went very well! Got to listen to the heartbeat again - my favorite part! The dr. did my first fundal height measurement. The fundal height is the distance from the top of the uterus to the pubic bone and allows understanding for how much the uterus has grown. This number often coordinates with the number of weeks in pregnancy. I measured 16cm, which matches up since we're 16 weeks pregnant!

Our next appointment is in one month - October 28th. This will also be our next ultrasound and the opportunity to find out if Poppy is a boy or a girl! However, we thought it would be more fun to keep the suspense going and not find out until "it" arrives in March! -Monica

September 22, 2008

15 weeks pregnant - September 22, 2008

Continuing to feel the growth! Put on my first two pairs of pants last week that wouldn't button. Don't think maternity clothes are too far away! Still feeling great....My appetite has decreased some, not taking too many naps, getting out with Bailey for about 15-20 miles/week and trying to get Joe to give me more back rubs! -Monica

September 11, 2008

12 week dr. appointment - September 11, 2008

Even though we're more than half way through our 13th week, we had our 12 week dr. appointment today! Still feeling great and so glad to know the first trimester is over. We were able to hear Poppy's heartbeat today...such a miraculous (and relieving) sound! The dr. told us that after hearing the heartbeat today, we have a less than 1% chance of miscarriage. He also said everything looked good- my weight gain, urine test, blood test, etc. We are continuously thankful for this amazing blessing! -Monica

September 2, 2008

12 weeks pregnant - September 2, 2008

Yeah- 12 weeks! I've been feeling good- Starting to feel like I'm getting more energy and definitely beginning to feel the tummy growth! I registered for the Atlanta Half Marathon on Thanksgiving Day and am really looking forward to it! My parents will be in town for the holiday so we've decided to all do it! Half-Marathon training and Bailey will keep me outside and active throughout the fall! Praying for continued healthiness for myself and Poppy! -Monica

August 11, 2008

9 weeks pregnant - August 11, 2008

This is the start of the "belly pictures!" Since we now know how far along we are, we thought it would be fun to document the growth that is going to occur over the next 7 months!
We're more than half way through the first trimester and hoping I continue to feel well! At this point, I think my biggest "symptom" is feeling tired (I mean really tired!) by the end of the day. I've never been much of a napper, but I must say, I am enjoying the little naps I can sneak in here and there! -Monica

August 4, 2008

First picture of Poppy! - August 4, 2008

We had our first ultrasound on August 4th. What an absolutely amazing experience! Based on Monica's LMP and the crown-rump length, Poppy is due on March 15, 2009! We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time - a sound that can instantly bring tears to your eyes and a smile to your face!
Wonder if it's a boy or a girl????? We'll all find out in March! -Monica

July 3, 2008

We're gonna be parents! - July 3, 2008

On July 3, 2008, we found out we're going to be parents! We feel extremely blessed and can't wait to meet the little one!

Until that incredible time comes in March, we've decided we're going to call it Poppy since it was the size of a poppy seed when we learned about it!

"Let's go fishing, Daddy!"
This picture (that will hang in Poppy's nursery) is how Joe
found out he is going to be a daddy!