August 29, 2014

Getting Into a Routine

The end of August is here and honestly, I'm okay with that. August is not one of my favorite months. Especially this seems as if our real summer hit just kicked in within the past two weeks. I will gladly welcome fall even though I'm sure we have a few weeks of hot days left! 

We've had a fun August though! Here's what we've been up to...

 Water Hopscotch
 Jensen has been working hard on riding his bike without training wheels! Thumbs up, dude!!
 Jensen & Laney waiting for the bus!
 Nana visited

 Keaton enjoyed the "girl party" - Rhiannon's wedding shower

After school time with Laney
 Jensen cleaning the Tanner's
Lunch with Jensen. We got to eat on the stage together!

As much as we're settling into our new routine, I'm convinced there is not going to be a set schedule. Jensen is loving everything about kindergarten and he's starting to be able to read more. He's just started getting homework. Keaton wakes up excited for school almost every morning and has been asking to go to school on the weekends!
Jensen is on a 6U baseball team, the Padres! Keaton is doing dance and will start soccer next weekend.
It's football season - Joe is home long enough to sleep and start the next day over.
I've just finished week #2 at KSU and loving it! I love my schedule. I love the classes I'm teaching. I'm really enjoying my students. I love that I can still be home to get Jensen off the bus a few times each week. And I love that I'm not bouncing back and forth between two jobs! I'm a room mom for Jensen's class.
We're back together with a small group. Some previous members and some new families joining us. We're planning to start with iMarriage.

As you can see, we're busy and ready for the long weekend! Between Joe's football schedule, Jensen's baseball practice, a birthday party and my need to work a little, we're hoping to find some time for a little relaxation and pool time!!

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