August 6, 2014

So Far, So Good!

Three days in and the kids are loving their new classrooms...and Jensen his new school! The only tears we've seen this week are when it's time to go home!

Jensen woke up on his own this morning at 6:15am (same time we've woken him up the past two mornings). He came to the top of the stairs rubbing his eyes and asked if it was time to go to the bus stop yet. He went on to tell me how great his day was going to be because he was going to see Laney! And while eating breakfast, he told us how he'd been talking to God last night...all about making good choices! He was a bright little sunshine this morning!!!

After school I received a phone call from Jensen's teacher. She called to say that Jensen had been doing very well, he was listening well and was eager to learn! What a fun phone call to get after the third day of school!!

One of Jensen's favorite parts of his days is being with his best buddy, Laney! She is the sweetest little girl with a giant personality! So full of expression! And they are so cute together!!!

Having an after school snack at CFA

Keaton has also transitioned back to school and into her new classroom very well! She's been bright eyed and happy every morning! She's back together with all her friends...playing the sleeping game, the mom game, etc.

Not sure how much longer they'll be so happy and excited to get up early and go to school, but we'll take it while they got it:)

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